The Pink Poodle Doodle

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Two years ago a group of college girlfriends started trying to keep in touch through blogs and I joined in. I couldn't imagine the profound effect another blogger I didn't even know would have on me.

Is it strange that Monday night I cried for a woman I don't know, have never met, will probably never meet, yet feels so close? I've been reading her blog for a couple of months now but I don't remember how I found it. She experienced the stillbirth of her son in October and she is working through the tragedy on her blog. Reading C's blog has made me hug E and L tighter. Made me take more time with them. Made me try not take them for granted.

Her post on Monday moved me in a way I cannot explain. Her writing is lovely, stunning in its description of him and of her love for him.

Monday night Landon had a reaction to a new item in his diet (another story for another post) and he was terribly, pitifully sick. Screaming in pain, throwing up, dry heaving, exhausted. I was tired and worried & I laid down in his floor to sit with him for a while. Each time he would get upset I would stand at his crib and rub his back.

In the middle of the night, in the dark of his room, I began to think of C and her sweet boy. I started crying. Muffled sobs. Big tears. For a woman a whole country away.

I don't think I would have posted about this, but earlier today a friend of a friend suffered the loss of a baby in utero and I just needed to talk about it. I can't explain it.

Why was I able to conceive my babies so easily? Why was I able to carry both pregnancies to full term?

Why do clueless, hopeless, careless women have babies they don't love or care for but smart, loving, established women are denied?


(C - if you happen to read this post, I hope you don't want to kick me for writing about you. You and Callum have impacted me a great deal.)


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