The Pink Poodle Doodle

Friday, July 06, 2007

I'm sick of the pity faces

yep, sick of the pity faces. They're everywhere.

My first day back at work someone actually said "I'm sorry" - like I didn't WANT to be back. Someone else actually asked me "aren't you worried that he's crying for you?". I couldn't believe it!!!! Newsflash people - 10 week old babies don't cry for their mother - they cry for their bottle and any hand that holds it will be just fine with them thank you very much.

When I answered both these folks with the horrific response that I did the happy dance when I dropped the kids off, you'd have thought I was admitting abuse of some sort. Let's face it folks, this gal is a better mother to her kids because they are in daycare.

Then, Wednesday I took said kids to the mall with my mother. The mall has a kids play area so I left E and Gran there while the little man hit Old Navy with me. Well, apparently the music in Old Navy was a bit loud for the wee-one and he howled the entire time I was in the store. You would not have believed the pity faces - one after another - it was like "oh, poor thing, she can't make him stop crying".

I told one lady about my age with her mother that he needed a sign that said "I hate my mother".

In the check out lane I said to one of the ladies exhibiting pity face that I had explained to Landon that if he hadn't stretched me out so badly he in fact would not have to be in Old Navy shopping for mama's new clothes at all. The cashier laughed, but another lady came from behind me in line to lean over the stroller and coo at him in an attempt to get him to stop crying.

WHAT the !#%@%@#$>?????

He's my kid and if Iwant to let him cry, guess what crazy lady - he has to cry! I'm the mommy - I get to decide!!!!!!

Stop with the pity faces people - women with two kids who choose to venture to walmart or the mall know that it's not going to be an easy trip, but we do organize and plan and sometimes we even bring a bottle or some diapers along with us.


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