The Pink Poodle Doodle

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Chrisem is over...

That's E's word - Chrisem. Chrisem tree, Chrisem dec-ations, Chrisem presents...

I was sad to take down the tree because she loved it so much, but I felt better thinking about next year and how my 3 year old and 8 month old will react to the holiday together.

We had another ultrasound on 12/28 and everything looks good. The bean was much more cooperative this time around & the tech got to see everything she needed to evaluate so we're pleased that things are going well. In less than 4 months we'll get to meet this little person!

Now it's back to the grind again - family, work, school....I'm determined to be more organized this long will that resolution last?


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