The Pink Poodle Doodle

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Why don't they listen?

Why oh why don't they listen? I tell them exactly what they need to do to get a waiver for a course, drop a course, add a course...infinity...and yet...they do not do those things. After they do not do "the thing", they look at me as though I have five heads when it does not turn out as they had intended.

I look at them and I am perplexed.

I wonder aloud: Did I act like that?

I think back to meetings with Dr. Chi and I hope I didn't not act like that. I know we were a fun-loving crowd, but I think we had SOME sense. Please affirm for me that we had some sense.

It will be the same for 5 more days and then registration will end and I will be happy once again!

Tonight Gran is taking us shopping for new shoes. We have a coupon to Stride Rite (coupons to Stride Rite are like gold) that runs out this wknd so we shall shop til we drop. Gran and I corrupted Emelia to shop-a-holism at an early age!


  • At 9:12 AM, Blogger SEDW said…

    are you going to Dr. Chi's retirement dinner? i want to!

  • At 5:44 AM, Blogger NB-C said…

    No, we pretty much kept up to speed with the importnat information...the deadline to drop a class, the deadline to take it Pass/Fail, how many minimum hours we needed to still graduate...I've sadi it before, we have babied this generation so's going to be interesting to see what kind of adults they turn into...and folks worried about us Gen-Xers!


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